About me

Marcelo Kuna holds a Master of Arts in Cultural History and Theory (Kulturwissenschaft) from Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (2023), and a Bachelor of Arts in Communication of the Arts of the Body (Comunicação das Artes do Corpo, PUC-SP, Brazil, 2015), having studied with Brazilian contemporary dance pioneers such as Gaby Imparato, Vera Sala, Zélia Monteiro, among others.

A classically trained singer, Marcelo became an émigré in 2018, choosing Berlin as a creative home, in order to flee the unrepentant neofascism in Brazil. As a migrant in Europe, the interest has been especially in investigating and researching the fissures between western European modernity and the knowledge of the Epistemologies of the South, often times disregarded by hegemonic scholarship as “unscientific”, and sometimes even as “dangerous”.

The artist is currently living and working in Berlin as an occultural scholar, practicing esotericist and performing artist.

Photo credit: © Andor Polgár